Talent Insights Beyond Intuition

Talfit Hire

Assess how well a candidate fits your company's culture, values and manager's style
Three easy steps:

* Survey for hiring manager
* Survey for the team
* Survey for the candidates

Get the culture fit score for each candidate and:

* make data-driven hiring decisions
* hire people that fit your company culture
* eliminate costs of bad hires

Talfit Team

Asess completeness of teams' roles.
Every team is different but all teams are better off if made of a mix and a balance of different roles

You can get insights and measure 8 areas:

* team cooperation
* goal orientation
* trust
* communication
* innovation
* completeness of team’s roles
* motivation
* responsibility

Talfit Pulse

Measure real-time employee engagement.
By sending weekly or biweekly a quick one or two-question survey to employees, you can keep a pulse on the health of your company’s culture.

* you set the schedule
* you choose what questions are asked
* you see life results

* employee’s answers are anonymous
* employees can answer directly from email
* employees can send cheers or kudos to anyone that
   was helpful
* employees can offer suggestions

Don't motivate, hire already motivated

Your last hire can be perfectly fitted for a job, but may not fit the team or the manager she will work with. While it is relatively easy to determine if someone is a good accountant or coder, it is much more challenging to see if somebody has the same values as the organization. The more the employees are aligned with company’s culture and values, the more they are motivated.

Everybody knows that people are different. How do you form a team that consists of different people in such a way that they work well and get the things done in the same time. While in one team, unconstrained and gregarious extraverts thrive, in other friendly introverts feel at home. There are also teams that the best results are accomplished by diverse and well balanced teams.

There are two major elements of fit when selecting candidates:

Person-job fit, which tells you if there is compatibility between a candidate and the job or tasks she will perform at work

Person-organization fit, which tells you if a candidate fits organization’s values and culture, and is aligned with manager’s management style

The ideal candidate is somebody who fits both the job and the organization (including the manager).

The first fit is a must. While there is always possibility to train for skills, if a candidate does not have characteristics required by the job function, it will be very difficult to set them up for success. Not everyone would enjoy being Sales manager or a nurse or a contractor. And yet there are plenty of people that love one of those jobs. The skills needed to be a great engineer or great marketer are much easier to determine - by reviewing resume (and hoping it is all true) and by asking very specific questions.

The second fit is much trickier. The fit with the organization culture is difficult to determine based on resume or typical interview. When hiring people that fit organization's culture, you are hiring people for whom the work environment will be essential element of positive motivation. People love to work in places that they feel they belong to. According to person-organization concept, the more candidate is aligned with current organization’s values and norms, the more they will be motivated to perform well.

Skillful and experienced recruiter is usually able to see through candidates and assess the fit with the culture. This is usually done with behavioral questions but even with well executed interview, the recruiter relies on their intuition. Assessments of person-organization fit help in selecting candidates based on data rather than just intuition.

Talfit Inc.
3001 Aloma Ave.
Winter Park, FL 32789


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3001 Aloma Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789
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